10 Yoga poses for pain-free delivery- 3rd trimester

3rd trimester is considered to be the safest period for the women and baby. Last 3 months is the time when a would-be mom needs to concentrate on lifestyle and exercises which can help her easily deliver baby.  Although in many hospitals doctors recommend a cesarean section for delivery. But a women can always make efforts during pregnancy and escape operation.

Yogic routine will help in following –

keeping calm

making space for the baby

opening the blockages in energy channels and

strengthening pelvic muscle


1. Chakki-chalanasana- move as if you are grinding flour with grinding wheel.

chakki chalanasana

2. Titliasana- you can use a cushion below your hips for support


3. Malasana- Squat pose


4. Ardh matsendrasana (variation in following image during pregnancy)

ardh mat

5. Supta baddha-konasana


6. Variation of Bhunamanasana- (spread your legs as wide and bend only from hip region, upper back remains straight)


7. Variation of Janushirshasana

sede bending

8. Trikonasana with support of a brick while bending sideways (Triangle pose)


9. Virbhadrasana- opens pelvic muscles and strengthens thighs (Warrior pose)


10. Shavasana- Relax on your side with a thin pillow between thighs or as shown below



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